23 Aug 2012; Mat-Nat Faculty (UiTø), room A228. Tuesday 14:15-16:00

Thomas Strobl (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)

From two-dimensional gravity to higher gauge theories.

I review how, starting from various models of gravity and Yang-Mills theories in two space-time dimensions, we found the Poisson sigma model and how this can be used to obtain solutions to the Euler-Lagrange equations of the initial setting. I then report on partially successful attempts to generalize the resulting picture to higher dimensions, how Yang-Mills theories in any dimension can be generalized to structural Lie algebroids and field theories with higher form degree gauge fields naturally lead to the notion of Q-bundels. Characteristic classes of the later bundles relate back to the Poisson sigma model and its higher dimensional generalization, the AKSZ sigma models.

This summarizes in part joint work with P. Schaller, T. Kloesch, M. Gruetzmann and A. Kotov.